Work: Before, During and After…

This seems to be the longest day… especially with yesterday’s incident. I couldn’t sleep, so ended up sleeping at about 5:30am!… I didn’t wake up and was late to work.

Since I was late to work, I couldn’t take carpool, so I drove in. Ironically, look what was in front of me on the freeway…

Animal Control Vehicle

An animal control vehicle!!!!! I sure could have used them yesterday!!!

Yesterday, one of my coworker was explaining some of my cameras features. I thought I would try my hand at a long exposure shot.

Long Exposure Test

This is taken at the parking lot near my work. I was working overtime and took a break outside. The street in the photo is The Embarcadero in San Francisco. Can you see my Honda Civic?

Since I drove into work, I thought I would take advantage of my car and transport all my overwintered Coleus in one big batch (instead of my “What can I fit into one grocery bag” method. So after I finished all my work (at 11:30pm), I packed all the remaining Coleus at work and made my trip home.

Welcome Back Home (Batch 3 - The Finally)

top row (left to right): Coleus ‘Velvet Lime’, Coleus ‘Amora?’
middle row: Coleus ‘Jade’, Coleus ‘Pat Martin’
bottom: Plectranthus ‘Zulu Wonder’

Late Night Planting + Experimentation

Before going to bed, I got the urge to do some planting… so, I:

1. I repotted the 2 small pots of Great Quaking Ornamental Grass into larger pots.

2. I repotted the Zygocactus cutting which have sprouted new leaves/stems into a larger pot.

I’m still disappointed by the sad looking Tomato, Eggplant, etc. seedlings, so I thought I would try an experiment. I wondered how the tomatoes would do if I took cuttings of them.

I cut them down, dipped the bottom ends into rooting hormone and planted them into a half potting soil/half perlite mixture. About 2 inches of the stems were placed in the soil. I then watered and covered them with a cut up plastic water bottle to act as a mini greenhouse.

Sad Looking Tomato Seedlings (Before Cutting)   Sad Looking Tomato Seedlings (Cuttings)

Weekend Gardening (A Little Bit of Everything)

Friday the first really nice day that we had in a while. It was actually warm and there was no rain… so I took out all the cuttings and seedlings from my room and placed them outside in the front porch. Everybody OUT!!! Unfortunately, it was chilly again on Saturday and Sunday, so they didn’t get to come back out.

Everybody OUT!!!

We have several plants blooming outside, including our first Roses. I several photos of the Rose blooms, unfortunately, I forgot to turn the macro setting and almost all those photos came out blurry. Here are some of my Mom’s White Bank Rose and Clematis in our back patio.

First Rose Blooms of the Year   Clematis Blooms

On Friday, my Mom and I went to Costco, and they were selling Purple Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum ‘Cupreum’)… Hmmm? Everywhere I go, it seems that seeds start breaking off. Knowing me, I had to save them.

Purple Fountain Grass Photo

Blooming Japanese Giant + Forsythia Cuttings

Although it was not as warm today as yesterday, I took some of my plants outside to start hardening them off and get them under some natural light.

I noticed that one of the Coleus that I just received (Coleus ‘Japanese Giant’) is already starting to bloom. Something tells me that I’ll have to keep a watchful eye on this plant so it doesn’t flower until the end of the season.

Japanese Giant Already Blooming

I took cuttings from Forsythia branches that one of my coworker had, dipped the cuts in rooting hormone, and placed it in 50/50 potting soil & perlite. I then used clear drinking cups to act as mini greenhouses.

Forsythia Cuttings

Hopefully in a few year, I’ll have blooms like this.

My Shelves and Growlights

I missed carpool because I worked a little late, so I had to ride the BART, then take a city link bus to get to Vallejo. I got home around 8:45pm and was so tired. Once I walked in the house, I saw a package from Rosy Dawn Gardens. YEAY!!! … My Coleus…. I took photos, but they are still in my camera. I’ll post them later today.

Before I post them, I wanted to show photos of the shelves I added in my bedroom to grow seedlings and overwinter cuttings. This photo was taken about a month ago.

Growlight Shelves

Below is a new photo of the bottom shelf that mostly houses my Coleus. Some are grown from seeds that I collected last year and some are overwintered cuttings. Click on the photo to see some notes I added on with flickr.

Seedlings and Cuttings

Earlier This Week…

Sunday Jan. 29, 2006

I was able to take some photos of the garden. I just haven’t downloaded them to my computer.

I potted the Yellow Crocus that my brother didn’t plant into two small rectangle pots that I found laying in the corner of the garden. I also potted the Giraffe Dahlia and the Yellow Peruvian Daffodils that I purchased the previous weekend into one gallon pots.

Tuesday Jan. 31, 2006

Five potted Coleus cutting (3 Kong Scarlet, 1 Pat Martin and 1 Velvet Lime) graduated from the Coleus Aquarium and are now in their new home at work to over-winter.

I purchased a Jiffy-7 Mini-Greenhouse with 12 Jiffy-7 Pellets, for $1.88 just to try it out since I never used it. I planted 2 pellets each of these seeds:

– Tomato ‘Brandywine OTV’
– Tomato ‘Great White’
– Eggplant ‘Scarlet Chinese’
– Coleus ‘Dappled Apple?’ (Collected from last year)
– Columbine ‘William Guinness’
– Carex sp.? (An ornamental grass that I collected)

I also bought a pack of small ZipLock-type bags to organize all the seeds I’ve collected, especially the Coleus seeds and Ornamental Grasses that where here and there.

The Jiffy pellet were convenient, but seemed small, but I may move the seedlings to bigger pots if they grow too big and not ready to go outside.

Wednesday Feb. 1, 2006

I bought three more Mini-Greenhouse as gifts; one for my coworker Purr and two for Michael’s birthday.

I also bought a few seeds packets:

– Columbine ‘Barlow Mix’ (Aquilegia vulgaris)
– Zinnia ‘Candy Cane Mix’ (Zinnia elegans)
– Zinnia ‘Envy’ (Zinnia elegans)
– Nicotiana ‘Peace Pipe’ (Nicotiana sylvestris)
– Blue Fescue (Festuca ovina glauca)

Lookie, My New Fishies…

Coleus Cuttings Aquarium (Front View)

Coleus Cuttings Aquarium (Top View)

Cheap planting pots that are readily available…

My Coleus and Plectranthus cuttings at work have rooted, so I really have to get some pots and plant them in soil. I don’t want to bring a bunch of mismatched 4 inch pots to work, because they are sitting my co-workers office, and I don’t want them too look too unsightly. I searched the internet for bulk pots that were taller than regular 4 inch pots, but not wider. I couldn’t fine any; they were either too expensive or too large a quantity to buy.

I went to my friend’s Christmas party this evening and they had clear plastic Solo drinking cups. Measuring 4 inches at the top lip, 2.5 inches at the base and 5 inches tall, they were close to the size I wanted… so, at the end of the party, I helped clean up, collected the drinking cups and brought them home. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that they were clear.

I stopped by the grocery and found opaque ones called SoloGrips in different colors. I can use these as the pots. I’ll cut the clear one to about an inch tall and use those as the saucers. Very Cool!!!… Cheap planting pots that are readily available!

I’ll make one up and take photos to illustrate what I said above.