Vampires + Thunder + Rain…

  • 1:39am “Do you think cold blooded creatures are what vampires look for when they want something refreshing?” -Craig Ferguson #
  • 5:23am I hear thunder and heavy rain… #

Coleus Sale…

I just got an email from a fellow "Dave’s Garden" friend telling me that Dave’s Garden members can get a discount on Coleus at Rosy Dawn Gardens through January 31, 2001. Here’s more info on the sale:

I have to go through my overwintering Coleus cuttings and take inventory of what I have and figure out what I want.

I also didn’t know Rosy Dawn Gardens had a blog called "Coleus Connection". Here’s the link:

Potato/Tomato Idea…

I’m debating if I should experiment and plant a Potato plant this year… Not only do I want to grow a Potato plant, but I want to graft a Tomato plant onto it, kinda like this one from Spring River Nurseries. The only reason I’m hesitant is because I read that the yields for both would be inferior to planting both the Potato and Tomato separately.

I’m not really concerned with the Potato yield, since any Potato harvested would kinda be a bonus… and maybe I can use a Cherry-type Tomato, since those just grow too wild (big) in our garden.

I’ll give it some more thought… and do a little more research…

[Update] After posting this, I had another thought. I don’t know if this can be done, so I’ll research it more later… I wonder if an Eggplant can be grafted onto a Tomato rootstock. The Eggplants I’ve grown never seem to get big and don’t bareany decent fruits, so I wonder if this would be a good experiment to see if a grafted Eggplant would grow more vigorously on a Tomato rootstock.

Wild China + Masdevallia Orchid…

  • 3:44pm Watching the six-part BBC series Wild China on Netflix Watch Instantly. #
  • 8:53pm My Masdevallia Orchid that I moved outdoors 2 years ago is now blooming. I think this is my first non-Cym that rebloomed. #

Plumcot? Pluot? Aprium?

I noticed some Plumcot, Pluot and Aprium scions at the last CRFG Scion Exchange… I know they are all Plum/Apricot crosses, but I wonder if there is a technical difference between the three… so I posted an inquiry at the California Rare Fruit Growers Facebook page.

I’ll update this post if I get any responses.

[Update Jan 25, 2010] Someone on Facebook responded with a link to Dilip Barman (dilipB) > Still Life > Plums, Apricots, Plumcots, Pluots®, and Apriums®

Plumcot = Plum x Apricot

Pluot® = Plumcot x Plum (2/3 plum and 1/3 apricot)

Arium® = Plumcot x Apricot (1/3 plum and 2/3 apricot)

*Pluot® and Aprium® are federally registered trademarks of Zaiger’s Inc. Genetics, Modesto, CA, for interspecifics that are complex hybrids of plum and apricot.

Garden Progress

This afternoon, it was raining, but I went outside to bring out the kitchen scraps for the compost bin.

Ready for Compost

I got the to compost bin and noticed tons of Soldier Fly Larvae crawling out of the compost bin. I tried my hardest not to smash any.

Soldier Fly Larvae  Soldier Fly Larvae

The Purple Hyacinths were blooming although slugs and snail have gotten to the flowers.

Hyacinth Blooming

I walked around and noticed the Pink Banana Passiflora (which seemed to have died in the winter) now has tiny buds growing near it’s base.

Pink Banana Passiflora Buds

Next to it, I also noticed that the Hyacinth-like plants (from my friend Howard) are sprouting up, although there were weeds and a Kiwi seedling in the pot.

Hyacinth-like Plants Sprouting

What really made my day, was seeing my Yellow Masdevallia Orchid, which I took outdoors about two years ago, now re-blooming for the first time. This is the first non-Cymbidium Orchid that rebloomed for me… I think I want to get more Masdevallia Orchids now, since they seem to survive outdoors and actually bloom (in the winter)!!!

Yellow Masdevallia Orchid  Yellow Masdevallia Orchid  Yellow Masdevallia Orchid

Beverley Hills, 90210…

  • 11:10pm Gonna continue watching Beverley Hills, 90210 on DVD… Season 6, episode 22… haha #

Scion Exchange + Berkeley Nurseries + Sorry Pole…

  • 10:13 The CRFG is having a Scion Exchange today from 12-3pm in Berkeley. Learn grafting and exchange cuttings. #
  • 17:10 I bumped into a pole at PetSmart, said sorry, then started cracking up… #
  • 18:14 Back home from the CRFG Scion Exchange, Berkeley Horticultural Nursery, Westbrae Nursery and Cactus Jungle… What a plantastic day!!! :) #