Sunday Tweets…

  • 1:51pm At 2223 (in SF) having brunch with friends… #
  • 4:26pm is hangin’ out in SF… #
  • 11:07pm should be doing work… I hate bringing work home!… :( #

Links: Autopot Retail Outlet – GardenSmart – Melbourne, Australia

I really like how their Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Eggplant fruits are hanging from an overhead trellis.

Autopot Retail Outlet – GardenSmart – Melbourne, Australia.

Upcoming Scion Exchange…

The Golden Gate Chapter of the CRFG (California Rare Fruit Growers) is holding another Scion Exchange next weekend. I’m glad I checked when it is this year, otherwise I may have missed it.

2010 Golden Gate Chapter Scion Exchange

Saturday, January 16, 2010 – 12 noon to 3:00 PM

Malcolm X Elementary School (Two blocks from Ashby BART station)
1731 Prince Street
Berkeley, CA

Here are some photos from previous years I attended:

My Scion Acquistions  Looking Over the Apple Scions

More information from CRFG website.
More information from Upcoming website.
Other 2010 Scion Exchanges from CRFG website.