This seems to be the longest day… especially with yesterday’s incident. I couldn’t sleep, so ended up sleeping at about 5:30am!… I didn’t wake up and was late to work.
Since I was late to work, I couldn’t take carpool, so I drove in. Ironically, look what was in front of me on the freeway…

An animal control vehicle!!!!! I sure could have used them yesterday!!!
Yesterday, one of my coworker was explaining some of my cameras features. I thought I would try my hand at a long exposure shot.

This is taken at the parking lot near my work. I was working overtime and took a break outside. The street in the photo is The Embarcadero in San Francisco. Can you see my Honda Civic?
Since I drove into work, I thought I would take advantage of my car and transport all my overwintered Coleus in one big batch (instead of my “What can I fit into one grocery bag” method. So after I finished all my work (at 11:30pm), I packed all the remaining Coleus at work and made my trip home.

top row (left to right): Coleus ‘Velvet Lime’, Coleus ‘Amora?’
middle row: Coleus ‘Jade’, Coleus ‘Pat Martin’
bottom: Plectranthus ‘Zulu Wonder’