You Know You’re a Gardener… (#7 Gifts)

You know you’re a gardener when you get gardening stuff as gifts.

MVP Award

Back in 2004, I was awarded MVP (something like an employee of the quarter award) at work and got gardening stuff as a prize.

You Know You’re a Gardener… (#6 Advice)

You know you’re a gardener when you are the person that your coworkers go to when they need gardening advice.

Two Camera Techniques

I’ve been researching some photography techniques online and learned two techniques that I want to try.

One is called focus stack. For this, you take a series of macro shots of the same subject, each at a different focus depth. You then use a program like Photoshop to combine the various focused element into a single photo. This results in a photo with an exaggerated DOF (depth of field).

Here are some focus stack examples on Flickr.
Here is a focus stack tutorial written by Flickr user Lord V.

The second is reverse lens. For this, you take a lens and attach it to your camera backwards. This essentially act sort of like a super magnifying glass.

Here are some reverse lens examples on Flickr.
Here is a reverse lens tutorial written by Flickr user Domk.

I purchased a Conversion Lens Adapter for my Canon PowerShot A610. This way I can attach lenses and filters to my camera. I also purchased two lenses; a wide angle lens and a telephoto lens so I can experiment more with my camera and expand my photography skills.