New Orchids + Wild Flowers + Swiss Chard Harvest…

11:52pm I purchased 5 Masdevallias: Masd. Red Panda, Masd. Huayna Picchu, Masd. Ruby Slippers ‘Baby’, Masd. Flying Colors & Masd. Tovarensis… #

New Orchids from POE 2010

11:53pm I also bought Maxillaria tenuifolia (Coconut Orchid), Bletilla striata var alba (White Chinese Ground Orchid) and Epidendrum Green Hornet#

12:10am Short orange flowers are in bloom along the freeway near El Cerrito. I think they are Wild Calendula or something similar. #

12:18am The hills along the freeways are really green with splotches of yellow from the Wild Mustard flowers. My Mom says the hills looks like maps. #

11:29pm Harvested some Swiss Chard (about 8 bigs leaves) from the garden and will try to dehydrate them like the Kale Chips#

It Was a Really Busy Garden Day…

  • 12:24pm I like how Guy Fieri (Guy’s Big Bite) promotes composting kitchen scraps, even if it’s just in a bucket for your houseplants. #
  • 12:45pm Spring Starflower, Snapdragons, Daffodils, Candytuff and Calendula are blooming in our backyard… #
    Spring Starflower  Daffodils  Mini Daffodils  Calendula 'Pacific Beauty'  Candytuff

Weekend Gardening…

I did quite a lot of gardening this weekend.

The weather is getting cooler and it was overcast pretty much the whole weekend. Leaves are changing colors and the summer vegetables are slowing down. There was a lot of leaves from the Pears and Apples to sweep up and I cut off more of the dying leaves on the Tomatoes and Cucumbers.

The Lettuce, Swiss Chard and Bok Choy that I planted about 2 weeks ago are getting crowded in the six packs, so I divided them up and planted 3-4 seedlings into 3 inch pots. (I have to remember that one Swiss Chard seed actually comprise of many seeds) I’ll let these grow a bit until I have space to plant them in the vegetable beds.
( before photoafter photo )

My brother went to a yard sale and bought a whole box of terra cotta pots (with 3 bags of cactus mix included) for only $3.00… what a deal! ( photo )

I potted the three $1.00 Cactus and Succulents into pots. ( photo )

As I was planting the Cactus, a spider paid a visit and I think it took residence on the Cactus. ( photo )

It seemed to be a spider weekend. I must have seen 4 different spiders, but I guess that’s not too unusual when you are cleaning up around the garden. Here are two of my favorite photos:

Unknown Spider

Mama Daddy Long Legs with Eggs (1)

Lastly, I harvested the first big batch of Tomatoes… along with Pears and Lemon Cucumber.

This Weekend's Harvest

Yeay! Good night :)

Yellow Pear Tomato RIP, Planting Bok Choy and Lettuce Harvest

After being sick for 3 days and having surprise showers, I was able to go outside and work in the garden.

My Yellow Pear Tomato died for some reason. I’m not sure why, but the others tomato plants next to it looks fine and healthy. I noticed some new tomatoes plants that sprouted from the homemade compost that I mixed in the bed and planted it in the Yellow Pear Tomatoes place.

I also transplanted the Bok Choy that I planted from seeds to the bed. I just hope that the bugs don’t eat them all up.

Bok Choy

The Lettuce are getting big and I was able to harvest some for dinner.


Lettuce Harvest

I also took a whole bunch of photos around the garden, but will post them behind a cut in my next entry.