Kale Chips…

I saw someone mention Kale Chips on Twitter and it fascinated me so much because I love Kale… I followed the links, read about it… and the recipe seems pretty easy. It’s basically baking or dehydrating pieces of Kale that is coated with olive oil, lemon juice and salt…

I’m at work right now and I can’t wait to try this. Maybe I can stop by Ranch 99 (an Asian grocery) and get some Kale… Hmm, or maybe Mustard Greens… Which I also love… I bet Mustard Greens will add some kick to it, similar to Wasabi Chips…


So I tried making the Chips and they turned out really good!

I got some Curl Leaf Kale and baked it at about 200°F for 20 minutes. It was still not crunchy, so I baked it longer. I think it took a total of about 45 minutes.

Kale Chips
Kale Chips

I also tried Mustard Greens, but instead of baking, I dehyrated them.

Mustard Chips
Mustard Chips

Here are some links I found:
Crispy Crunchy Kale Chips on Meghan Telpner’s blog.
Kale Chips? Yes Please! on EasyEcoToGo.com
Basic Kale Chips on simplyrawrecipes.com