@joelignacio’s Tweets…

  • 00:05 Just fixed my Mom’s vacuum and now she’s on a vacuuming rampage! #
  • 00:29 Aperture 3 is taking forever to do everything!!!… (I hardly have been able to actually edit photos)… I’ve tl.gd/8prjo #
  • 15:23 is Costcoing… #
  • 15:59 I wonder if there is an (iPhone) app to find items at Costco… Something like a Costco Item Locator… #
  • 16:16 is Petcoing… Interestingly, my Mom is fascinated with the snakes… #
  • 18:07 Wow, they already have Coleus and Lamium at Target… I’m going to wait though… #
  • 18:11 is Targeting… #
  • 20:23 Visiting his brother and family… #