Wish List: Takip Kuhol (Centella asiatica)

I just saw an interesting plant that I’ve never heard of on a Filipino TV show. Takip Kuhol (aka Gotu Kola, Spadeleaf) (Centella asiatica) literally translates to "cover snail" in Tagalog. It is an medicinal plant that can be used for wound and skin sores. Also high in Vitamin B and the leaves can eaten in a salad.

At first I thought it was this weed I found growing in our lawn. But upon further research it’s a different plant.

I’ll have to research if this plant is sold locally and if it will survive here.

☉ Dave’s Garden Plantfiles
☉ Philippine Medicinal Plants: Takip-kohol – Scientific name: Centella asiatica L.
☉ PCHRD Library: 10 Medicinal Plants