Quick but busy Monday…

With the success of directly planting the Tendergreen Bush Beans, I decided to try planting Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans on a trellis which had Snap Peas. I think it may be a little late, but I’ll see how these turn out.

Along with some New Zealand Spinach that my mom harvested, I harvested my first peppers (1 Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper and 2 Pepperoncini) and some White Icicle Radishes for a Filipino dish called Sinagang that my mom will make for dinner.

I also planted the 4 Coleuses that I purchased on Saturday in a large terra cotta pot. I took cuttings of the taller ones and place them in water to root.

The Sunflower seeds I planted on Tuesday have sprouted and are about an inch tall.

Mutant Tendergreen Bush Bean Seedling?…

Today I noticed a mutant Tendergreen Bush Bean Seedling growing.

Below is a normal seedling with 2 primary leaves.

Below is the mutant with 5 primary leaves; 2 being conjoined.

Just thought this was interesting?

More Gardening Books…

Right after work, I stopped by the library and check out more books:

– A World of Flowers by Clay Perry
– Decorate You Garden by Mary Keen
– Gardening Basics by Ken Beckett, Steve Bradley, Noel Kingsbury and Tim Newbury
– The New Victory Garden by Bob Thomson
– The Essential Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson