Wish List: Reel Mower

I never thought of a manual lawn mower, but I think it’ll be cool to have one. I kinda want to get rid of gas powered one, since it takes up so much space and is noisy. I’m eyeing an American Lawn Mower 14 inch Deluxe Hand Reel Mower for $66.49 from Amazon. Let me give this a couple days to see if I still want one.

Kiwi Plants Finally Moved…

I’ve rooted Kiwi from cuttings (since 2007), but didn’t really know where to plant them, so they have spent years in 1 gallon pots. I placed the pots in an empty space in one of my vegetable beds and over the years they have grown roots outside the pots and established themselves in the bed.

Kiwi Plants (Old Location)

They were getting bigger and bigger and I had trouble accessing the middle part of that vegetable bed, so this year, I decided that they have to move!… I decided to permanently plant them into the two large blue bins behind our storage. They should get ok light there and they’ll finally not be in the way, so I can easily plant in that vegetable bed again.

I moved them (4 total plants) in a span of two days late February, before they fully awaken from dormancy… I first moved two plants into one bin. The roots of the tall ones where big!… I had to cut some, but I think the plant will be ok.

First Kiwi Plant Moved

I amended the soil with compost and fed it with general organic vegetable fertilizer and Azomite.

First and Second Kiwi Planted

I did the same with the remaining two plants… I think they will be much happier here and hopefully they’ll bare fruit this year.

All Four Kiwi Plants (New Location)

I have to go through my photo library and figure out the planting history of each plant, since a couple of them have lost their tags.

A Bunch of Tomato Sprouts…

I thought to myself, which Tomato that I planted on the 15th will sprout first. Well, I woke up this morning and checked… and pretty much every variety sprouts. That’s 17 total.

Tomato Seedlings

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Moringa + Jungle Peanut + Zucchini

After watching a few YouTube video on Moringa and Jungle Peanuts, I went ahead and bought a few seeds from Hinterland Trading Co.

Hinderland Trading Seeds

I didn’t realize that Moringa oleifera, the “Miracle Plant” that many people are boasting about is actually the same plant that they call Malunggay in the Philippines. We mainly use it in a Chicken Ginger Soup called Tinola. Last year when I vacationed in the Philippines, I remember seeing Malunggay growing everywhere. We even found some near our resort in Subic and harvest some to cook… I’m excited to find some and heard that it is easy easy to grow and can easily be grow from cuttings. I can’t wait to get it to grow.

I planted the Malunggay and the Jungle Peanuts into cell pack and will pot them up once they sprout.

Jungle Peanuts Sown

I also cleared the two large terra cotta pots in the front yard and planted a Black Beauty Zucchini in one and a Yellow Straightneck Squash in the other.

Last year, I wasn’t happy with the Zucchini in the Square Foot Garden in the back… so I yanked it out and planted it in the front in the terra cotta pot… it started getting big fast and fruiting, so I’ll plant Zucchinis in front from now on.

April 18, 2012 Gardening…

I divided more of the Portuguese Kale (from a crowded cell pack) and potted about seven of them into 3″ pots. There are still a bunch in the cell pack. They sure planted a lot of seeds.

Portuguese Kale Potted Up

I didn’t know where to plant the three Asparagus crowns I bought a month or two ago… so I temporarily placed them into a small pot with soil. They started sprouting and are getting tall, so I potted each one into a separate 5 gallon pot with lots of manure, compost, fertilizer and Azomite. I left about two inches at the top of the pot and will fill it in with more compost later.

Asparagus Roots

My Mom says that her Tuberose has never bloomed, so I am going to repot them and give them a good supply for organic fertilizer, compost and Azomite. Hopefully they will bloom for the first time this year!

Tuberose To Be Repotted

There were a bunch of Bloody Dock seedling volunteers in the Tuberose pot. I’ll divide them up and plant them in individual containers. I think I will donate some to the Vallejo Garden Club.

Tuberose Repotted

I didn’t think the Red Potatoes were going to sprout, but today I saw that they are starting.

Red Potato Finally Sprouting

Finally, I harvested more Red Giant Mustard and Swiss Chard. We seem to have a neverending supply of them (pretty good for a 6 cell pack).

Harvested Red Giant Mustard and Swiss Chard

April 2012 Bloom Day…

April 15 is April Bloom Day, so I went through our garden and photographed all the plants in bloom.

If you are on an iOS device (iPhone or iPad) the slideshow above will not work, so use this link:

You can also view the photos individually on Flickr:

White Citrus Flower Buds-like Things in Clematis Flowers?

I noticed that two of our Clematis flowers have a white thing in the center that resembles a white citrus flower bud.


I don’t recall the other Clematis flowers looking having that.


Anyone know what those white things are?

Cassava, a Euphorbia?

I was reading the Perennial Vegetable by Eric Toenameier and discovered that Cassava is in the Euphorbiacaea family. I didn’t know that!

When I showed my Mom the photo in the book, she cracked me up when she said it looks like Marijuana.