Last night… I organized my seed packets and collect seeds from some dried seed pods. Here are the remains of the cracked Porcupine Tomato seedpods.

This afternoon… As I was taking a break from work, I was being teased by some Passion Fruits. I wanted so much to pick one from the vine, but it was about 10 foot off the ground…
Earlier this evening… When I got home from work, I was surprised by a yellow flower from the Elkhorn Plant that I purchased just a few days ago. Here it is wide open, but the flower closes back at night.

Before going to bed… I sowed 4 more members of the Nighshade family:
– Sweet 100 Tomato
– Solanum pyracanthum (Porcupine Tomato)
– Orange Ornamental Pepper from Virginia
– Scarlet Chinese Eggplant