Saturday Gardening (A Lot of Gardening Done)

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Unknown Hedge Cutting
I started this morning by taking my Mom to get a blood test at Kaiser. Near the hospital’s door, I noticed a hedge with pretty yellow flowers which measured 1.5 inches in diameter. I don’t know what this hedge is, but my Mom says it reminds her of a Jasmine. I thought I would take a cutting to see if I can root it.

Once we got home, I immediately went to the garden and started planting.

I planted two flowers, Plains Bicolor Coreopsis and Gold Dust Alyssum, in six-pack pots.

Homemade Cactus Mix
I decided to repot some Cactus and Succulents so I made some Home-made Cactus Mix.

Repotted Cactus and Succulents
I repotted three Succulents I purchased from a November SFBG (San Francisco Botanical Garden) Sale and a Cactus purchased from the 99¢ store.

Repotting Cactus and Succulent More Repotted Cactus and Succulent
I also took apart a pot of Cactus and Succulents that my brother got a while back… one of the plants died and the remaining ones seemed to be overcrowded. Since he was taking care of it, I took the liberty of repotting them.

Grooming and Weeding Hanging Pots
As I was potting and repotting, my Mom groomed and weeded some of her hanging baskets.

My Oldest Cactus Unknown Succulent Euphorbia pugniformis fa. cristata Climbing Aloe
I also took photos of my various Cactus and Succulents and noticed that the base of one of my tall Cactus has rotted and dried up.

Potted Cactus Side Growth
Luckily the tips and side growth were okay, so I cut them off and potted them up. I’m hope that they root and grow to replace it’s mother plant.

Garden Progress:

Some of the veggie seeds I sowed about a week ago is starting to sprout: Simpson Elite Lettuce, Grand Rapids Lettuce, Kailaan, Chin Chiang Cabbage

Recent blooms: Azaleas, Asian Plum, Peach, Daffodils, Starflower, Cymbidium Orchids

Still in bloom: Hardenbergia, Hyacinth, Christmas Cactus, Jade Plant, Borage, Magnolia

About to bloom: Sparaxis, Forsythia, Tulips

Emerging growth: Clematis, Baby’s Breath, Wisteria, Grapes, Hydrangea, Kiwi, Fig, Pomegranate, Banana