Near Freezing Temperatures?…

I just heard on the news that some cities in the Bay Area may have near freezing temperatures tonight. Oh man! I’m not even for cold weather yet… I haven’t even taken cuttings from my Coleus to overwinter indoor… and I’m almost out of Jiffy Jumbo Pellets so I have to get more.

Flickr Geofences…

Flickr Geofence

I just discovered today that Flickr has added geofences… which are locations where you can specify different geo privacy settings to. I made a geofence around my house, and my relative’s homes. Now the photo taken at these locations will only show geolocation data to family members and not to the general public. In the past, I used to manually remove the geoleocation of photos at home… but now, I don’t have to do that because Flickr will automatically do it for me.

More Geofence info on Flickr’s blog:

Mystery Alameda Street Tree…

As I was walking down Santa Clara Avenue in Alameda, I saw a few trees growing along the street and wondered what they were.

Each branch has 6, 8 or 10 leaves in pairs on opposite sides of the branch. Some of the tree have a bunch of suckers growing at the base of the tree. The younger stems are reddish brown. I crushed a leaf and there is really no distinct odor.

Here is a photo of the whole tree along the street.
Unknown Alameda Street Tree (4/4)

More photos: Continue reading

Mystery Alameda Street Tree…

As I was walking down Santa Clara Avenue in Alameda, I saw a few trees growing along the street and wondered what they were.

Each branch has 6, 8 or 10 leaves in pairs on opposite sides of the branch. Some of the tree have a bunch of suckers growing at the base of the tree. The younger stems are reddish brown. I crushed a leaf and there is really no distinct odor.

Here is a photo of the whole tree along the street.
Unknown Alameda Street Tree (4/4)

More photos: Continue reading


Facebook mobile has been screwing up this evening and posting my photo comments to other random photos. A friend of mine posted a photo of her topless jeep. I commented “Sexy!”… and it ended up on a photo of her grandfather… How embarrassing!…


I discovered a website called Xtranormal, where you can create animations that speak your text… So I gave it a try and made a birthday greeting for my friend Janet.