The Loser Has No Money…

Just checked my checking balance online… $0.00… I’l such a Loser!!! I think I paid too many bills… should’ve waited until the 15th!!!

Round 8 of Layoffs…

Just got off a department meeting here at work. (If you don’t know, I work as a digital production artist in the Interactive department for the ad agency Foote, Cone & Belding.) Another round off layoffs all around. (I think this is our 8th one so far.) Our department, which more than a year ago was at about 26 or so people. Today, we are down to 7. We definitely are getting smaller and smaller. Hopefully, we will get new accounts or do more work for our present accounts. The feeling now is just to do the best work we can. The layoffs have been so routine now that we are not so phased by it. I’m just thankful, I still have a job and not have to deal with trying to find a job, ‘cuz it’s bad out there.

Yup, yup… advertising is sure a volatile industry… But, I guess everything is now-a-days…