Evite replies

I like to be a little different with my Evite responses:

Response to Edwin’s the MEGA DIVA’s make over and slumber party:
So the butterfly continued flying from block to block looking for that dandelion where she left her bug purse. She asked the grasshopper, but he replied, “Sorry, I don’t remember where we came from.”

Response to Rachel and Dave’s 4th of July BBQ:
So ‘Lil Grasshappa and Ladybird Beetle continued their journey looking for Ladybird’s missing purse. As they walked the corner of Madison, they were startled when they saw something they never seen before. It was a raccoon. Hello they said, but the raccoon didn’t reply. They didn’t realize that the raccoon was deaf.

Over 3 months have passed… (Part 1)

…and seems like my life is totally different.

I think my last entries dealt with me moving out of Alameda to move back home at my parents place in Vallejo. It may not seem like much, but I was a big decision for me. I moved out of my parents house when I went to college back when I was 18. So I’ve been living on my own for 15 years now… Imagine that!… It blows my mind to think that I graduated high school 15 years ago.

I decided to move back home mainly to keep Nanay (my mom) company. Tatay (my dad) passed away back in January and he took care of alot of things at home. One of my brothers also live with my parents, but he works from 3 to midnight, so Nanay would be alone most nights. I just couldn’t imaging Nanay being alone, so I decided this was the best thing to do. I’ll also be able to help around the house and take care of some things, ‘cuz I know that my brother already had to take care of so much (with the funeral and paperwork).

(gotta go… to be continued)


Found a cool new peer-to-peer file sharing program for Mac OS X called Acquisition (http://www.xlife.org/acquisition/). I’m testing it now and it seems to get me alot better results than Limewire… so I’m gonna keep trying it to see now I like it… Who knows, it might replace Kazaa which I have running on my Windows pc…

I Erased It!

I went to check on my answering machine and noticed that there was only 1 message… and I had several saved. I must have erased all my messages when I called in to check my message… I’m so mad at myself, because there was a message from my father (Tatay) that I wanted to record. He was wishing me a happy birthday. That was the last message I had of Tatay before he passed away. I’m sad :(

Time travel 5 1/2 months…


You know yer fat when…

You know yer fat when at least 3 people have indirectly told you that you are gaining weight. Damnit! The thing is that I do realize it, but am not doing anything about it – well, except for trying not to eat as much. I guess since my breakup, I have just been pigging out… and I’ve been telling myself that I need to get back into the gym or at least start running after work. It’s just so hard for me to get myself back into that routine… But I feel that I have to since I am always feeling bloated and am really unhappy about how I look.

Home to Vallejo…

Today me and Maikuti drove down to Vallejo to visit Nanay (Mom) and Tatay (Dad). We first stopped by the house to say hello. It was really good to see them; I haven’t seen my parents for about a month or so. They were just finishing eating their late lunch and watching TFC (The Filipino Channel). There was news about this Rico Chan, popular young filipino actor, who just died in his sleep. So we watched for a while, then headed out to eat.

We ate at Empire Buffet. Damn there was so much food, and we sure did eat a lot. It was funny ‘cuz Maikuti had to unbutton his pant button. We then did a little shopping at Big 5’s, then Wal-Mart. There we looked at plants and I was able to get some home stuff. I also found a book called “Got To Be Real”. In the pet department, I took a look at the fishes and saw a really active and cute lionhead goldfish that was sure courting the other goldfishes (I guess goldfishes get horny too). I wanted to get him, but I wasn’t going straight home, so I didn’t.

We then went back to my parent’s and I took some photos of plants, flowers and this metallic ladybug-like bug in the backyard. Nanay baked some carrot cake muffins and a filipino dessert called bibinka – yumm!!!

Tatay was at the front fixing my car. It actually started and maybe working soon. Dang!

Before we left, I borrowed their video camera, so MC can record his DVs to VHS. My parents watched as we drove off, and they looked so cute waving goodbye to us. They are the cutest!!!! I love them so much!

We then made on more stop visited Kuya (brother) Eddie, Ate Angie and kids. Just wanted to say hello and see the kids and what they are up to. They are apparently starting summer vacation.

We stopped by Ikea… and by the time we got home we were both so pooped and just wanted to lay down and relax.

Lola’s B-Day Lunch in Vallejo…

Me and Maikuti went to Vallejo to have lunch with my whole family to celebrate my Lola’s (Grandma’s) birthday and my parent’s anniversary. We went to this Chinese buffet place called Imperial Empire (or something like that) and there was alot of us; 18 total. The food was really good and they have tons and tons of dishes – it’s the biggest buffet place I’ve seen. There were two tables, the grown-ups sat together at this long table. Me, Maikuti and all my nephews and nieces sat at this big round table and got to play and make fun or each other. It was really fun. I love spending time with my family, especially the kid. Once we were done, you bet we were all so stuffed!!!

Afterwards, Me and Maikuti went to get his oil changed at Wal-Mart, which was good, because I got to do alot of shopping for home stuff. Damn their prices were so low. I haven’t been to one in a while. So I got some cat liter, some cactus mix, soap and conditioner, a plant, hangers and other stuff.