@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

01:16 Got to wake up early Saturday morning to drive to Gilroy to check out the Syngenta Flowers/Gilroy Rotary Flower Fest j.mp/d8Gz1x #

@joelignacio’s Tweets…

01:16 Got to wake up early Saturday morning to drive to Gilroy to check out the Syngenta Flowers/Gilroy Rotary Flower Fest j.mp/d8Gz1x

09:52 I just became the mayor of Chevron on @foursquare! 4sq.com/9n0BUG

15:06 I just unlocked the "I’m on a boat!" badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/c2AJmg

21:09 I just unlocked the "Bender" badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/bMy6OQ