I feel so good…

I feel so good… I just got to work right on time (8:30 am), instead of my usual lateness…

Before: I get up at 7:20 am, rush (no shower) to get to the car pool lot. Can’t find parking, so I have to park 3-4 long blocks away, then walk to a line and usually get to work past 9:00 am, so I’m usually 30+ minutes late. Still feel grogy.

Today: Got up at 5:50 am. TOOK MY TIME getting ready. Drive to the car pool lot and FOUND parking. Got in a car pool right away. got to SF around 7:25 am (about a hour early). Went to the gym and ran. Took a SHOWER, then got to work right on time :) I’m ready for work!!!

Hopefully I can keep this up, because I haven’t worked out in a while and I am way overweight (I’m 5’5″ and I now weight 168 lbs). I need to lose at least 20 lbs.