I Feel Free!!!

I finished my freelancing project last night and I was finally able to upload it to my client’s web space this morning!!! (www.antoinedo.com) I feel so free and so accomplished… This is my first web site that is purely in flash, so it was kinda a challenge in some ways, but I got rid of all the actionscript bugs (I hope so)… and it finally worked correctly… Yeay!!!! I did learn alot and learn to do some flash scripting differently. I should one of my geeky friends who was on dialup and he said it loaded in 8 seconds, which is really good. I was afraid it was going to be a long load. It was nice to come home and not have to worry about doing work :) well, until i start working on my next freelance project to redesign or update my friend’s site (www.garye.com).

Just A Little While

I had another hella busy day today (Monday) at work… and now I’m continuing my freelance. Hopefully, I’ll finish tonight.

Tomorrow (Tuesday), a coworker and I are hosting a little breakfast for work weekly status meeting. She’s gonna make a egg casserole thingy, while I just finished making 2 loaves of Banana/Apricot Nut Bread. I’ll bring that along with some Rice Crispy Treats that my mom made.

I got a call from my good friend Dukz, he told me that Janet’s new single, “Just A Little While,” is on her web site… so I went to take a listen… It’s catchy… and I can’t wait til her new album comes out :)

Ohh… the Banana/Apricot Nut Bread smells so good… it’ll be done in “Just A Little While”… hehe… yeah, I know that was bad! (and corny!)

Retail Tharapy (a.k.a. Let’s Spend Some Money)

On Saturday, our whole family went to Empire Buffet for Lola’s (my Grandma’s) birthday. I think she’s 92 years old. All together there was 19 of us… Boy, did I eat too much. Afterwards, we just kinda hung out near the grass in the parking lot and just talked and stuff. Me and the kids found a way to kill time, by watching some balloons from the car dealership across the street get lose and float up to the sky. We watched the balloons (3 in all) until they became a little speck in the clouds.

When we got home, Nanay call my nephew, ToySoldier (you know I use fake names on my entries) ti wish him a happy birthday too. I start getting food comatose and fell asleep to wake up at 10pm… (I haven’t been sleeping much, so I needed to catch up)

Today (Sunday), I got up early for my usual Sundays, and everyone was gone, so I decided to go to Good Guys or Circuit City and see if they had the Sony earbuds I wanted. As I’m driving to Fairfield, I decided to drive further and take make a visit to CompUSA and just have some retail therapy. I looked around to a screen protector for my Palm and looked to see if they happen to have that Sony earbuds. They didn’t, so I went to see what the prices for a 250GB hard drive was. It was pretty decent, so I bought one.

I was talking to a friend last night and he was running out of space for his EyeTV recordings, and I told him, I might want to upgrade my hard drive. So I’, gonna transfer the contents of one of my drives to the 250GB and sell him my 120GB drive.

I also happen to check out the Mac section and saw the iMic which I was thinking of buying a while back so I can digitize some of my Uncle’s tapes that he wants in CD format. So I bought that too.

Let’s see what else I bought: a Snapple Lemon Ice Tea, a Krispy Kreme doughnut (note, I just bought one! – I need to try to keep my girlish figure, j/k), a Belkin screen protector for my Palm (which sucks, the protector I mean… it bubbles and isn’t as clear as the Fellow’s brand)… or and yeah… I did find a pair of Sony earbuds… They didn’t have the Sony Fontopia branded one, but these were similar Sony one’s so I thought I would give it a try.

Upon getting home, I watched some of the Superbowl, and the half-time show – I heard Janet was the headliner… So I really wanted to see her. I thought she was gonna do the Megamix ’04 that my friend told me about, but she sang 2 songs, and accompanied Justin Timberlake on another… and surprisingly, when Justin ended his song with “I’m gonna get her naked by the end of this song” (or something like that), he pulled Janet’s clothing, and one of her breast fell out… (o) Oh Janet!!! What message are we sending our children!!! hehe… tsh tsh tsh… I still am awaiting her upcoming album later this year.

I tested the earbuds… and they’re pretty decent. I like em…