I was going to start grafting onto our Plum tree, but our neighbor decided to take down part of our shared fence (without telling us) and fix it up…
So I decided not to graft and just take inventory of the Plum and Cherry grafts that survived. Some grafts didn’t make it, but several seems to have survived:
– Plum ‘Golden Nectar’ (Graft 2012-01)
– Plum ‘El Dorado’ (Graft 2013-03)
– Plum ‘Inca’ (Graft 2011-01)
– Plum ‘Sierra’ (Graft 2011-03)
– Plum ‘Elephant Heart’ (Graft 2009-04)
– Plumcot ‘Burbank’ (Graft 2012-02)
– Pluot ‘Flavor Supreme’ (Graft 2010-04)
– Cherry ‘Merton Premier’ (Graft 2010-01)
– Cherry ‘Burbank’ (Graft 2011-08)
– Cherry ‘Lapins’ (Graft 2009-02)
The Garlic we harvested last year (but haven’t used) are starting to sprout.
I split them apart and planted each bulb into a cell pack. Once they grow a little more and root out, I’ll plant them in the garden.