@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

17:28 San Francisco Gesneriad Society upcoming plant sale: Sat June 5, 2010 / 10am-4pm / County Fair Bldg, Golden Gate Park :: j.mp/dldb3o #

17:38 San Francisco Epiphyllum Society upcoming show/sale: Sat June 5, 2010 / 10am-3pm / County Fair Bldg, Golden Gate Park :: j.mp/bY4Qf6 #

18:11 San Francisco Succulent and Cactus Society Show & Sale : June 12-13 : 9am-5pm : County Fair Bldg, Golden Gate Park :: j.mp/aOQENj #

19:11 Got 2 Pineapple tops leftover from our Hawaiian-themed party at work. I stripped the bottom leaves off and saw some roots already growing. #

19:18 Saw the first Hippeastrum (from LB) sprout from seeds that I sowed on May 11. #

19:19 Incidentally, there are also 3 Lithops that sprouted. I reused some sand that I planted Lithops seeds in last year, but they didn’t grow. #