@joelignacio’s Tweets…

08:32 Waiting for 8 tilapia to be fried up… I wasn’t expecting so many people to be buying fish this early in the morning. (@ Seafood City)

08:53 Spaconsilog? RT @filipinofood ??? RT @djemphatic Bacon. Eggs. Rice. Spam. @filipinofood

09:09 I don’t understand why the cashiers at Seafood City only place 1 small item in a bag… I literally consolidate 2 or 3 bags into one bag.

12:25 Eating tons of Filipino food at the San Isidro Fiesta (@ San Leandro Marina) 4sq.com/dx4oeu

15:18 I freakin’ locked my car keys in my trunk and can’t get to them from inside!!! Argh!!!

19:44 Looking for Oat Bran… (@ Trader Joe’s) 4sq.com/69818L

23:16 Earlier today, my Mom saw 5 of her high school classmates. One of which she hasn’t seen since high school. That’s more than 62 years ago!!!

23:31 I’m making my famous sushi caserole for tomorrow… (ok, it’s not really famous or really a caserole, but my relatives really like it) :)